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Tournament Policies

* Each team is required to fill out all required forms on line and either submit or mail (per instructions). ONLY THE OFFICIAL TOURNAMENT FORMS found on line are acceptable. NO SUBSTITUTE FORMS ACCEPTED. VISIT THE REQUIRED FORMS PAGE FOR THE OFFICIAL FORMS.  

* Insurance: All teams must submit a copy of their Insurance showing THE MONSOON BASEBALL TOURNAMENT as additional insured to participate in this tournament. This will be the responsibility of the head coach or team manager. Please keep a copy of your team insurance, as well as copies of player birth certificates, available during the tournament.

* Teams that do not meet deadlines for required Registration form, Release form, Roster and Hotel Rooming forms will not be eligible to participate in THE MONSOON BASEBALL TOURNAMENT. Teams that are ineligible, because of their lack of responsibility of meeting deadlines will not receive a refund of their tournament fees. The deadlines are as follow:

Electronic Registration form (May 1, 2015)
Hotel form deadline: (May 1, 2015)
Release form deadline: (May 1, 2015)
Roster form deadline: (May 1, 2015)

 *Tournament housing information: EACH TEAM MUST SEND IN THE TOURNAMENT HOUSING FORM. The form must be received by due date and before ANY team will be allowed to play their opening game. "All out of town teams using hotels are required to stay at a participating host hotel". There are no exceptions to this rule and any team found attempting to avoid this rule will be dismissed from the event with no refund given.

 *Right to modify and amend: THE MONSOON BASEBALL TOURNAMENT retains exclusive right to modify and/or amend these Rules and Regulations for Tournament. Each team is required to review the Rules and Regulations prior to and during the tournament.

 *Refund Policy: Withdrawal more than 45 days prior to the tournament - In all cases, a team must provide written notice to THE MONSOON BASEBALL TOURNAMENT about their intent to withdraw from the tournament. If this notice is received at least 46 days prior to the tournament, THE MONSOON BASEBALL TOURNAMENT will refund the entry fee less a One Hundred & Fifty Dollar ($150.00) administrative fee. Withdrawal less than 45 days prior to the tournament - *** THERE ARE NO REFUNDS FOR ANY WITHDRAWAL WITHIN FORTY FIVE (45) DAYS OF THE MONSOON BASEBAKK TOURNAMENT. Do not call/email and ask for a tournament refund because your team cannot honor their registration commitment.

 *Acknowledgement of review of rules and policies: Deposits are non-refundable & each team will be required to sign the registration form acknowledging that they have fully reviewed the current Tournament Rules and Policies and agree to abide by them. 

 *Rules and Tournament Schedule - In the event there are any changes and/or modifications to the Rules and/or Schedule, said changes/modifications will be posted on the website ( and it is the responsibility of all coaches to regularly check for any changes and/or modifications.

 *Change in tournament format: Due to any last minute changes in teams, weather or any other reasons, THE MONSOON BASEBALL TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR reserves the right to modify the format of this event. Any changes of the format will be posted as soon as possible on-line, and announced to the teams during the tournament.

 * Field Dimensions are as follows: 15U/60/90

 *Tournament admissions - Admissions will NOT be charged at any field. "NO GATE FEES".

All participants are competing at their own risk. By participating you agree to hold the Tournament Director, Tournament Officials, Tournament Hosts, and Tournament Sponsors harmless from any liability resulting from participation in the tournament

 *NO ALCOHOL PERMITTED in the parking lots or fields at any time.


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